Wednesday 6 May 2015

Re-attempting a blog? Let's see how long it lasts?

So, after a nearly 7 year hiatus of not blogging, I've decided to give it another shot after realising there are so many memories lost which can not be explained by the multitude of photos I have taken in the past...

So I'm madly trying to pack before going to Japan with my three of my best uni friends that studied pharmacy! Still trying to remember to pack light and be practical but it's all gonna be ok hopefully...

Anyways some random thought.. most of the countries/places I've visited have been pretty much screwed by Japan in WW2 ie Malaysia, Singapore, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Taiwan so it'll be interesting once I make that journey to Hiroshima right after the plane lands in Osaka. Anyways, here's a start to trying to blog and hopefully I can remember the thoughts I get when I visit a destination... it's like when I went to Pearl Harbor to visit the cousins in Honolulu, I had absolutely no expectations until I went into the memorial and heard the stories of the survivors and then went to see the massive war grave.. it struck me that how could the Japs bomb that peaceful and wonderful place called Hawaii?

So memories are important, better make sure that the new ones don't get lost